Welcome to the first update about Orchard Grove. Each month we will summarise the main activities happening on site as the development progresses. We are pleased to be delivering this exciting new community, and are happy to be open and transparent about how it is taking shape.
We hope you will find these monthly updates useful. It may be of interest to you if you live locally and wonder what it is that you can physically see taking place on site, or you might merely be curious about the evolution of Orchard Grove.
The majority of work through December centres around preparing for construction. The current entrance to the site from the A38 will move slightly, with a new temporary entrance opening for site traffic. We have also finished painting the hoarding for the site compound and put signage up.
Leading from the site entrance is a haul road, which enables site traffic to move around and for deliveries to arrive. We have a designated wheel washing area to help reduce the amount of mud brought off site onto local roads. Currently, large deliveries of stone and drainage tanks have arrived (these black tanks are visible across the site) and more stone will continue to be brought to the site.
Ground water investigations are taking place, as they will be for some time yet. This is a necessary process for checking the soil structure ahead of construction. An excavator will create bore holes at points across the site of equipment, from which you can see black casings and poles protruding from the ground. These will be monitored for the next 6-9 months.
You may see people on various parts of the site carrying out work, away from the main construction area. These are consultants or contractors who are undertaking technical surveys for the future construction of the development. Rest assured that all works carried out are done so in accordance with the granted planning permission.
Please note that the site will close for the Christmas period, which means there will be no activity after Friday 18th December, resuming on Monday 4th January. Security measures will be in place and the site will be locked with a proximity alarm that notifies the Police of any breaches. Site emergencies can be reported to Consortium Interface Manager, Peter Prior, on 07765 401639.
For non-urgent queries, you are welcome to email info@orchard-grove.com and we will be happy to respond in early January.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
*Please note: all information is correct at the time of being published but timings may be subject to change*
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