
The Travel Plan for Orchard Grove sets out measures to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips by encouraging residents to use all methods of sustainable travel and transport.

On this page you can find information about the travel options that are available in the area, such as walking and cycling routes, car sharing and public transport.

If you are a resident of Orchard Grove, a Green Travel Voucher is available. This provides reimbursement of up to £250 for the purchase of sustainable travel items – please note that proof of address will be required. You can download a copy of the voucher below.

The aim is to improve our environment, our health, and our quality of life while easing the pressures on our roads. As the development grows, more travel options will become available.

Take a look at how to get around Orchard Grove and the local area:

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For help with planning your journey, check out the Think Travel website.

Residents can download and use this Green Travel voucher (please note that you will be required to provide proof that you live at Orchard Grove in order to be eligible):


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